
Winter Registration
Level One & Two!
Ages 3 & 4
Limited Space Available
Childhood is the Best Time to Learn!
Our KinderNotes program is a fun, comprehensive, and educational 8-week program that teaches preschoolers music in a unique and exciting way. This program is designed to improve the child’s attention span, develop fine motor skills, and commence their creative abilities.
Preschoolers will have lots of fun with the introduction to music concepts, use of rhythm instruments, moving to the rhythm of music, understanding basics to music, and play and sing simple songs!
Starting Dates and Times
Level One:
Starts: February 1st @ 11:00am
JANUARY 25th @ 11:00am
Level Two:
Starts: January 18th @ 12:30pm
Please be advised that this online registration is a time submission form ONLY and does NOT secure your spot in the program until an in-person registration and payment has been made. Thank you.